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PowerPoint Files May be Used Verbatim for Non-Profit Use Only

Anyone may use this material freely for non-commercial purposes including teaching in universities, colleges, schools, associations and for internal training in corporations. If you use the materials, please let your students or participants know where they come from by providing the URL of this page.

Please do not post identical copies of these files on the Web: these files are constantly updated and old copies will cause a mess.

If you use parts of these materials in your own presentations for non-profit applications with your own selections, modifications, and style, your files belong to you, not to me.

All other uses require written permission of the author. In particular, these materials may not be used as-is or with modifications without written permission from the author by for-profit organizations for external training (i.e., for paid courses) or in conferences where attendees pay for participation. However, the content of the CSH5 chapters may be used freely for any presentations prepared by individuals for any purpose. The restriction above refers solely to verbatim use of the original presentation in the files available below or to insertion of slides with the same format as the originals (i.e., using Kabay-vomit-yellow background and the Norwich University logo) into for-profit applications.

Don't try to sell what I give away free! Copyright violators will be pursued to the full extent of the law. This stricture applies in particular to sites that sell access to illegally posted materials and then hide behind DMCA take-down processes -- yet continue to post illegal copies soon after the previous copies have been removed.

CSH5 authors, teachers, and lecturers who have prepared slide decks for chapters from Volume 1 of the CSH5 that are not included in this course are welcome to send their file here for central posting; their copyright information will be preserved. Additions and corrections to existing files are welcomed and will be acknowledged.



Copyright © 2023 M. E. Kabay.  All rights reserved.

The opinions expressed in any of the writings on this Web site represent the author’s opinions and do not necessarily represent the opinions or positions of his employers, associates, colleagues, students, relatives, friends, enemies, cats, dog or plants.

Materials copyrighted by M. E. Kabay from this Website may be freely used for non-commercial teaching (i.e., specifically in any courses for academic credit or in free industry training at workshops or within organizations) but may not be re-posted on any Website or used in commercial training (where participants must pay fees for participation in the conference or workshop or where the instructor is paid) without express written permission. Any unauthorized sale of these copyrighted materials will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law.

Updated 2014-04-08