CS407: Politics of Cyberspace

FALL 2019

MWF 12:00-03 - 12:49:57 IN MACK 305

As computing and networking technologies increasingly pervade the worlds of business, government, science, law enforcement, the military and entertainment, political and policy considerations also increase in importance as the Internet reaches an ever-greater portion of humanity. Highly controversial subjects involving government actions, legal theory, ethical judgements, international relations, and economic analysis are introduced with reference not only to historical developments of the last several decades but also to recent news reports. The course assumes only a rudimentary familiarity with the basic concepts and terminology of modern Internet usage and computing and is not a technology-focused course. This course offers students from all majors the opportunity to explore policy issues in greater depth than in technology-oriented courses they may have taken. Information-technology courses are not a prerequisite and students from all majors are welcome.

Prerequisites: Open only to juniors and seniors except with permission of the instructor after a personal interview to establish that freshmen and sophomores have the intellectual baggage and ability to do well in the course and contribute to the high level of discussion. (3 Credits).

(PDF FILES unless otherwise indicated)

Course description -- detailed assignments, grading, standards, requirements, policies, rewards, penalties, and also the Secret of Life, the Universe and Everything.

Syllabus/schedule -- week-by-week listing topics.

Weekly Resources -- required and recommended readings and lectures

PowerPoint Notes -- presentations used in class and in public lectures

Term-Paper Guidelines -- how to avoid falling into a swamp of errors.

Term-Paper Topic Ideas -- suggestions, just suggestions.

Term-Paper Outline

Term-Paper Model

Grading Standards for Essay Exams (JPG)


For additional useful tips and tricks, click on the Methods link: see

CATA        Frequently Corrected Errors        On Writing        SQ3R        Tips for Using Word        Tracking Changes in MS-Word 2003 (PPT)

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The opinions expressed in any of the writings on this Web site represent the author’s opinions and do not necessarily represent the opinions or positions of his employers, associates, colleagues, students, relatives, friends, enemies, cats, dog or plants. Materials copyrighted by M. E. Kabay from this Website may be freely used for non-commercial teaching (i.e., specifically in any courses for academic credit or in free industry training at workshops or within organizations) but may not be re-posted on any Website or used in commercial training (where participants must pay fees for participation in the conference or workshop or where the instructor is paid) without express written permission. Any unauthorized sale of these copyrighted materials will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law.

Updated 2021-01-24