Introduction to the Course & Basics Introduction: About applied statistics; Why a layered introduction?; The importance of homework. Why use Excel? Long-term goals. SQ3R.Learning Excel: Web resources, basics; Counting and measuring; quantitative & qualitative variables. LEARNING OBJECTIVES FOR THIS WEEK By the end of this week's study, students should be able to Explain to a novice how statistics competence can be useful in the real world Distinguish between and recognize qualitative vs quantitative variables Create and manage tables using Excel and Word Recognize nominal scales Distinguish between and recognize discontinuous or discrete variables from continuous variables Distinguish between and recognize interval scales from ratio scales Distinguish between ratio scales and rank or ordinal scales Explain why distinguishing correctly among types of scales has real-world importance Edit Students can manually mark this item complete: LEARNING OBJECTIVES FOR THIS WEEKBy the end of thi... THIS WEEK'S TEXTBOOK CHAPTERS Edit Students can manually mark this item complete: THIS WEEK'S TEXTBOOK CHAPTERS Statistics Text Front Matter URL Edit title Edit Students can manually mark this item complete: Statistics Text Front Matter Statistics Text Chapter 1 -- Introduction URL Edit title Edit Students can manually mark this item complete: Statistics Text Chapter 1 -- Introduction REVIEW Edit Students can manually mark this item complete: REVIEW qm213_review-questions_wk01 for quiz #1 File Edit title Edit Students can manually mark this item complete: qm213_review-questions_wk01 for quiz #1 Questions about the course itself and how to study effectively. qm213_review-questions_wk01 for quiz #2 File Edit title Edit Students can manually mark this item complete: qm213_review-questions_wk01 for quiz #2 Review questions to prepare for quiz 1b on Chapter 1 of textbook. what_kind_of_scale File Edit title Edit Students can manually mark this item complete: what_kind_of_scale Flowchart for analyzing type of scale so we can use the right statistical measures instead of looking like idiots for averaging Likert-scale data. HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENTS Don't tackle the graded homework without completing all your other homework assignments! The preliminary homework may not be graded, but that's no reason to ignore it. The introductory homework assignments are built deliberately to give you step-by-step mastery of the essential concepts and skills needed to make sense of the statistical techniques in this work. What would you do if you got a passing grade in this course -- and then had to admit to a job interviewer or a new boss that you had no clue about what you were supposed to have learned? How do you think that would be received? Working through those exercises enormously increases the likelihood of your applying the statistical methods with a firm grasp of their meaning -- and of going into job interviews and the working world with a useful set of tools at your command. Don't cheat yourself: you're paying for this course one way or another (money, time) and you deserve to get the most from your time and effort. Get cracking! Edit Students can manually mark this item complete: HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENTS Don't tackle the graded home... qm213_homework_wk01_part-1.xlsx File Edit title Edit Students can manually mark this item complete: qm213_homework_wk01_part-1.xlsx Basic functions & introduction to tables. Not graded -- answers included. qm213_homework_wk_01_part-2_graded_2018-data.xlsx File Edit title Edit Students can manually mark this item complete: qm213_homework_wk_01_part-2_graded_2018-data.xlsx Capturing and converting data from external tables; propagating formulas. Two parts: 1.2.1 and 1.2.2. Graded. Updated with data up to August 2018. Because the original page changes regularly, the URL in the file points to a copy of the page stored on the instructor's Website. qm213_homework_wk01_part-3_graded.xlsx File Edit title Edit Students can manually mark this item complete: qm213_homework_wk01_part-3_graded.xlsx Categorizing types of variables. Includes a flowchart to help decide what's what. HOMEWORK GRADING Edit Students can manually mark this item complete: HOMEWORK GRADING hg_wk01_p1.2.2_raw-data Quiz Edit title Edit Visible groups (Click to change) Students can manually mark this item complete: hg_wk01_p1.2.2_raw-data This quiz tests for the values of the original data pasted into part 1.2.2 of the exercise. hg_wk01_p1.2.2_raw-data_a Quiz Edit title Edit Visible groups (Click to change) Students can manually mark this item complete: hg_wk01_p1.2.2_raw-data_a This quiz tests for the values of the original data pasted into part 1.2.2 of the exercise. AAC-authorized students only. hg_wk01_p1.2.2_raw-data_r Quiz Edit title Edit Visible groups (Click to change) Students can manually mark this item complete: hg_wk01_p1.2.2_raw-data_r This replacement quiz tests for the values of the original data pasted into part 1.2.2 of the exercise. 20 questions, 20 minutes. Higher grade in this r version replaces lower version in original quiz. hg_wk01_p1.2.2_raw-data_ra Quiz Edit title Edit Visible groups (Click to change) Students can manually mark this item complete: hg_wk01_p1.2.2_raw-data_ra This replacement quiz tests for the values of the original data pasted into part 1.2.2 of the exercise. 20 questions, 80 minutes. Higher grade in this r version replaces lower version in original quiz. AAC-authorized students. Must complete "a" version before using the "ra" quiz. hg_wk01_p1.2.2_monthly-changes Quiz Edit title Edit Visible groups (Click to change) Students can manually mark this item complete: hg_wk01_p1.2.2_monthly-changes This quiz tests for the values of the monthly changes in part 1.2.2 of the exercise. hg_wk01_p1.2.2_monthly-changes_a Quiz Edit title Edit Visible groups (Click to change) Students can manually mark this item complete: hg_wk01_p1.2.2_monthly-changes_a This quiz tests for the values of the monthly changes in part 1.2.2 of the exercise. AAC-authorized students. hg_wk01_p1.2.2_monthly-changes_r Quiz Edit title Edit Visible groups (Click to change) Students can manually mark this item complete: hg_wk01_p1.2.2_monthly-changes_r This quiz tests for the values of the monthly changes in part 1.2.2 of the exercise. hg_wk01_p1.2.2_monthly-changes_ra Quiz Edit title Edit Visible groups (Click to change) Students can manually mark this item complete: hg_wk01_p1.2.2_monthly-changes_ra This quiz tests for the values of the monthly changes in part 1.2.2 of the exercise. This replacement quiz tests for the values of the original data pasted into part 1.2.2 of the exercise. 20 questions, 40 minutes. Higher grade in this r version replaces lower version in original quiz. AAC-authorized students. Must complete "a" version before using the "ra" quiz. hg_wk01_p3 Quiz Edit title Edit No groups (Click to change) Students can manually mark this item complete: hg_wk01_p3 hg_wk01_p3a Quiz Edit title Edit No groups (Click to change) Students can manually mark this item complete: hg_wk01_p3a hg_wk01_p3r Quiz Edit title Edit No groups (Click to change) Students can manually mark this item complete: hg_wk01_p3r hg_wk01_p3ar Quiz Edit title Edit No groups (Click to change) Students can manually mark this item complete: hg_wk01_p3ar hg_wk01_p1.2.1x Quiz Edit title Edit No groups (Click to change) Students can manually mark this item complete: hg_wk01_p1.2.1x Hidden from students hg_wk01_p1.2.1rx Quiz Edit title Edit No groups (Click to change) Students can manually mark this item complete: hg_wk01_p1.2.1rx Hidden from students hg_wk01_p1.2.2x Quiz Edit title Edit No groups (Click to change) Students can manually mark this item complete: hg_wk01_p1.2.2x Hidden from students hg_wk01_p1.2.2rx Quiz Edit title Edit No groups (Click to change) Students can manually mark this item complete: hg_wk01_p1.2.2rx Hidden from students HOMEWORK UPLOAD Edit Students can manually mark this item complete: HOMEWORK UPLOAD hu01_p2 Assignment Edit title Edit Visible groups (Click to change) Students can manually mark this item complete: hu01_p2 Upload your completed file < qm213_homework_wk01_part-2_graded_2018-data.xlsx >. Do NOT upload archive (ZIP, RAR, etc.) files because they force the prof to open them to extract the files. hu01_p2x Assignment Edit title Edit Visible groups (Click to change) Students can manually mark this item complete: hu01_p2x Hidden from students hu01_part_3 Assignment Edit title Edit No groups (Click to change) Students can manually mark this item complete: hu01_part_3 qm213_hw-grading_wk01_part_3_graded_upload Week 01 Part 3 -- upload your DOCX, DOC, RTF, or ODT file with your solutions to Week 1 Part 3 homework here. Do NOT upload archive (ZIP, RAR, etc.) files because they force the prof to open them to extract the files. THEORY QUIZZES Edit Students can manually mark this item complete: THEORY QUIZZES q01p1 Quiz Edit title Edit Visible groups (Click to change) Students can manually mark this item complete: q01p1 Course Mechanics (updated). 10 questions, 20 minutes, 1 try. q01p1a Quiz Edit title Edit Visible groups (Click to change) Students can manually mark this item complete: q01p1a Course Mechanics (updated). 10 questions, 20 minutes, 1 try. q01p1r Quiz Edit title Edit Visible groups (Click to change) Students can manually mark this item complete: q01p1r Course Mechanics (updated). 15 questions, 15 minutes, 1 try. q01p1ra Quiz Edit title Edit Visible groups (Click to change) Students can manually mark this item complete: q01p1ra Course Mechanics (updated). 15 questions, 30 minutes, 1 try. q01p2 Quiz Edit title Edit No groups (Click to change) Students can manually mark this item complete: q01p2 Types of variables. 15 questions, 30 minutes, 1 try. q01p2a Quiz Edit title Edit No groups (Click to change) Students can manually mark this item complete: q01p2a Types of variables. 15 questions, 60 minutes, 1 try. AAC-authorized students. q01p2r Quiz Edit title Edit No groups (Click to change) Students can manually mark this item complete: q01p2r Types of variables. 20 questions, 20 minutes, 1 try. This REPLACEMENT QUIZ may be taken only AFTER you have completed the regular quiz (q01p3 in this case). q01p2ra Quiz Edit title Edit No groups (Click to change) Students can manually mark this item complete: q01p2ra Types of variables. 20 questions, 40 minutes, 1 try. This REPLACEMENT QUIZ may be taken only AFTER you have completed the regular quiz (q01p3a in this case). AAC-authorized students.