Standard Course Week 3 Working with Tables in Word & Excel Sorting, Backups & Enhanced Tables Sorted lists in Word & Excel; simple sorts in Excel; Advanced sorting in Excel; Mistakes in sorting; Making backup files. Enhancing the presentation of tables in Word; Excel table tools. Copying an Excel table into a Word document. LEARNING OBJECTIVES FOR THIS WEEK By the end of this week's study, students should be able to Sort data using WORD and EXCEL Identify and avoid errors in sorting data Make backup of work Enhance presentation of tables using WORD and EXCEL tools Edit Students can manually mark this item complete: LEARNING OBJECTIVES FOR THIS WEEKBy the end of thi... THIS WEEK'S TEXTBOOK CHAPTER Edit Students can manually mark this item complete: THIS WEEK'S TEXTBOOK CHAPTER Statistics Text Chapter 3 -- Sorting, Backups and Tables URL Edit title Edit Students can manually mark this item complete: Statistics Text Chapter 3 -- Sorting, Backups and Tables SUPPLEMENTARY RESOURCES Edit Students can manually mark this item complete: SUPPLEMENTARY RESOURCES Embedding and Linking to Excel Files in Word Documents URL Edit title Edit Students can manually mark this item complete: Embedding and Linking to Excel Files in Word Documents Relative, cumulative and reverse-cumulative frequencies File Edit title Edit Students can manually mark this item complete: Relative, cumulative and reverse-cumulative frequencies Demonstration of how to compute different types of frequencies in Excel. REVIEW Edit Students can manually mark this item complete: REVIEW qm213_review-questions_wk03 File Edit title Edit Students can manually mark this item complete: qm213_review-questions_wk03 Questions available for use in the quiz for Week 3. HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENTS Edit Students can manually mark this item complete: HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENTS qm213_homework_wk03_part_1 File Edit title PDF document Edit Students can manually mark this item complete: qm213_homework_wk03_part_1 Practice with tables in Word and Excel. Because of the nature of the exercises, this homework is to be uploaded but cannot be automatically graded. Your instructor will review each submission individually. qm213_homework_wk03_part_1_table-1_data.csv File Edit title Edit Students can manually mark this item complete: qm213_homework_wk03_part_1_table-1_data.csv qm213_homework_wk03_part_2.xlsx File Edit title Edit Students can manually mark this item complete: qm213_homework_wk03_part_2.xlsx Practice sorting. Not graded -- answers included. qm213_homework_wk03_part_3_graded.xlsx File Edit title Edit Students can manually mark this item complete: qm213_homework_wk03_part_3_graded.xlsx Same type of practice as part 2 but with different values. UPDATED 11:13 FRI 16 FEB 2019. Be sure you are using the updated file! HOMEWORK GRADING & UPLOADS Upload three files this week -- an XLSX spreadsheet and a DOCX, DOC, RTF, or ODT document for part 1 and an XLSX file for part 3. Do not submit PDF or TXT files. Edit Students can manually mark this item complete: HOMEWORK GRADING & UPLOADS  Upload three... hg_wk03_p3 Quiz Edit title Edit No groups (Click to change) Students can manually mark this item complete: hg_wk03_p3 Homework-grading questions for week 03 exercises part 3. 10 questions, 20 minutes, 1 try. If you find errors in your homework, fix them and then use the hg_wk##r quiz. Higher grade in the hg_wk##r quiz replaces lower grade in hg_wk## quiz. BE AWARE THAT THE FORMAT OF THE ANSWERS USES A SINGLE DIGIT FOR MONTHS BELOW 10 AND FOR DAYS BELOW 10 (E.G., 2015-2-8" WHEREAS THE SPREADSHEET USES THE FORMAT "2015-02-08". THESE TWO REPRESENTATIONS ARE EQUIVALENT. hg_wk03_p3r Quiz Edit title Edit No groups (Click to change) Students can manually mark this item complete: hg_wk03_p3r Replacement homework-grading questions for week 03 exercises part 3. 10 questions, 20 minutes, 1 try. If you find errors in your homework using the hg_wk## quiz, fix them and then use the hg_wk##r quiz. Higher grade in the hg_wk##r quiz replaces lower grade in hg_wk## quiz. hu03#1 Assignment Edit title Edit No groups (Click to change) Students can manually mark this item complete: hu03#1 qm213_homework_wk03_upload -- XLSX file Week 03 -- upload your XLSX file for part 1 here. Do NOT upload archive (ZIP, RAR, etc.) files because they force the prof to open them to extract the files. hu03#2 Assignment Edit title Edit No groups (Click to change) Students can manually mark this item complete: hu03#2 qm213_homework_wk03_upload Week 03 -- upload your document file (DOCX, DOC, RTF or ODT -- no PDFs) for part 1 here. Do NOT upload archive (ZIP, RAR, etc.) files because they force the prof to open them to extract the files. hu03#3 Assignment Edit title Edit No groups (Click to change) Students can manually mark this item complete: hu03#3 Homework Week 3: upload XLSX file for homework part 3 here. Do NOT upload archive (ZIP, RAR, etc.) files because they force the prof to open them to extract the files. QUIZ Edit Students can manually mark this item complete: QUIZ q03 Quiz Edit title Edit No groups (Click to change) Students can manually mark this item complete: q03 Tables in Excel & Word. 15 questions, 30 minutes, 1 try. q03a Quiz Edit title Edit No groups (Click to change) Students can manually mark this item complete: q03a q03r Quiz Edit title Edit No groups (Click to change) Students can manually mark this item complete: q03r 20 questions, 20 minutes, 1 try. You may attempt this quiz ONLY after completing q03. q03ar Quiz Edit title Edit No groups (Click to change) Students can manually mark this item complete: q03ar