Standard Course Week 6 DESCRIBING YOUR NUMERICAL FINDINGS PROFESSIONALLY & MID-TERM EXAMS COVERING WEEKS 1-5. Descriptive statistics: Characterizing samples and populations: Descriptive statistics in excel. Location: mean, median, mode; Geometric mean; Time series and the moving average. Dispersion: Range, Quartiles, Deciles, Inter-quartile range, Variance, Standard deviation. Descriptive statistics for normal distributions: Skewness, Kurtosis. LEARNING OBJECTIVES FOR THIS WEEK After studying the text and doing your homework, you should be able to Use Excel DESCRIPTIVE STATISTICS functions for data sets Choose correctly among the arithmetic mean, the median and the mode (if there is one) when describing the central tendency of a data set Calculate a mean given a frequency distribution Explain and illustrate how outliers can distort the value of the arithmetic mean Compute the median, quartiles, quintiles and percentiles in Excel Calculate the rank of observations using Excel Distinguish among the range, the variance, the standard deviation Distinguish between the parametric and the sample descriptive statistics Choose and apply the appropriate function to calculate the standard deviation of a population and that of a sample Describe the meaning of skew and of kurtosis and calculate them for a data set. Edit Students can manually mark this item complete: LEARNING OBJECTIVES FOR THIS WEEK After studying ... THIS WEEK'S TEXTBOOK CHAPTER Edit Students can manually mark this item complete: THIS WEEK'S TEXTBOOK CHAPTER Statistics Text Chapter 6 -- Descriptive statistics URL Edit title Edit Students can manually mark this item complete: Statistics Text Chapter 6 -- Descriptive statistics REVIEW Edit Students can manually mark this item complete: REVIEW qm213_wk06_review_questions.pdf File Edit title Edit Students can manually mark this item complete: qm213_wk06_review_questions.pdf Descriptive statistics. HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENTS Edit Students can manually mark this item complete: HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENTS qm213_homework_wk06_part_1.xlsx File Edit title Edit Students can manually mark this item complete: qm213_homework_wk06_part_1.xlsx Practice with descriptive statistics functions for a production line. qm213_homework_wk06_part_2.xlsx File Edit title Edit Students can manually mark this item complete: qm213_homework_wk06_part_2.xlsx Two exercises: one looking at lead content of paint and the other analyzing marketing data. qm213_homework_wk06_part_2_answers.xlsx File Edit title Edit Students can manually mark this item complete: qm213_homework_wk06_part_2_answers.xlsx Answers for homework part 2. qm213_homework_wk06_part_3.xlsx File Edit title Edit Students can manually mark this item complete: qm213_homework_wk06_part_3.xlsx Summarizing IQ data in multiple groups. THIS HOMEWORK IS GRADED. qm213_homework_wk06_part_4_graded.xlsx File Edit title Edit Students can manually mark this item complete: qm213_homework_wk06_part_4_graded.xlsx percentiles, skew and kurtosis. THIS HOMEWORK IS GRADED. Updated with note on #NUM results. HOMEWORK GRADING & UPLOAD Edit Students can manually mark this item complete: HOMEWORK GRADING & UPLOAD hg_wk06_p3 Quiz Edit title Edit No groups (Click to change) Students can manually mark this item complete: hg_wk06_p3 Homework-grading questions for week 06 exercises part 3. 10 questions, 20 minutes, 1 try. If you find errors in your homework, fix them and then use the hg_wk##r quiz. Higher grade in the hg_wk##r quiz replaces lower grade in hg_wk## quiz. hg_wk06_p3r Quiz Edit title Edit No groups (Click to change) Students can manually mark this item complete: hg_wk06_p3r Replacement homework-grading questions for week 06 exercises part 3. 10 questions, 20 minutes, 1 try. If you find errors in your homework using the hg_wk## quiz, fix them and then use the hg_wk##r quiz. Higher grade in the hg_wk##r quiz replaces lower grade in hg_wk## quiz. hg_wk06_p4 Quiz Edit title Edit No groups (Click to change) Students can manually mark this item complete: hg_wk06_p4 Homework-grading questions for week 06 exercises part 4. 10 questions, 20 minutes, 1 try. If you find errors in your homework, fix them and then use the hg_wk##r quiz. Higher grade in the hg_wk##r quiz replaces lower grade in hg_wk## quiz. hg_wk06_p4r Quiz Edit title Edit No groups (Click to change) Students can manually mark this item complete: hg_wk06_p4r Replacement homework-grading questions for w06 exercises part 4. 10 questions, 20 minutes, 1 try. If you find errors in your homework using the hg_wk## quiz, fix them and then use the hg_wk##r quiz. Higher grade in the hg_wk##r quiz replaces lower grade in hg_wk## quiz. hu06 Assignment Edit title Edit Visible groups (Click to change) Students can manually mark this item complete: hu06 Upload your completed XLSX files for this week's two graded homework exercises (part 3 and part 4). Do NOT upload archive (ZIP, RAR, etc.) files because they force the prof to open them to extract the files. QUIZ Edit Students can manually mark this item complete: QUIZ q06 Quiz Edit title Edit No groups (Click to change) Students can manually mark this item complete: q06 15 questions, 30 minutes, 1 try. q06a Quiz Edit title Edit No groups (Click to change) Students can manually mark this item complete: q06a q06r Quiz Edit title Edit No groups (Click to change) Students can manually mark this item complete: q06r 20 questions, 20 minutes, 1 try. You must complete q06 before attempting q06r. Higher grade in q06r replaces lower grade in q06. q06ar Quiz Edit title Edit No groups (Click to change) Students can manually mark this item complete: q06ar 20 questions, 40 minutes, 1 try. You must complete q06a before attempting q06ar. Higher grade in q06ar replaces lower grade in q06a. AAC-authorized students. MID-TERM EXAM Covering Weeks 1 through 5 inclusive. DEADLINE 23:55 SUN 10 MAR 2019. Edit Students can manually mark this item complete: MID-TERM EXAM Covering Weeks 1 through 5 inclusiv... mt Quiz Edit title Edit No groups (Click to change) Students can manually mark this item complete: mt 60 QUESTIONS, 120 MINUTES, 1 TRY. mta Quiz Edit title Edit No groups (Click to change) Students can manually mark this item complete: mta mtr Quiz Edit title Edit No groups (Click to change) Students can manually mark this item complete: mtr 90 QUESTIONS, 90 MINUTES, 1 TRY. You must complete mt before attempting mtr. Higher grade in mtr replaces lower grade in mt. mtra Quiz Edit title Edit No groups (Click to change) Students can manually mark this item complete: mtra