Standard Course Week 9 COMPARING MEANS OF DIFFERENT SAMPLES Hypothesis Testing (II): ANOVA model Case study T-tests Critical values ANOVA single factor vs t-test T-test without raw data T.TEST function THIS WEEK'S ASSIGNED READINGS FROM YOUR TEXTBOOK CHAPTER Edit Students can manually mark this item complete: THIS WEEK'S ASSIGNED READINGS FROM YOUR TEXTBOOK C... Statistics Text Chapter 8 -- Hypothesis testing URL Edit title Edit Students can manually mark this item complete: Statistics Text Chapter 8 -- Hypothesis testing 8.8 The Model for Single-Factor ANOVA 8.9 Testing for the Equality of Two Means in an Investigation of Possible Dishonesty 8.10 T-Tests in Data Analysis 8.11 Critical Values 8.12 ANOVA: Single Factor vs T-test for Equality of Means 8.13 Computing a t-test for Equality of Means without Raw Data 8.13 The T.TEST Function LEARNING OBJECTIVES Students must be able to Define the underlying model for ANOVA using appropriate symbols Explain the meaning of each term in the model for ANOVA Expand the meaning of abbreviations such as SS, MS, MSg, MSw, F and p in ANOVA Define how the F test is calculated in a one-way ANOVA Determine the degrees of freedom for the terms of a one-way ANOVA Distinguish among the options for a t-test of equality of means for two samples Identify which test to use for different types of situations in comparing parametric means given sample means Apply and interpret the restuls of the various Excel data analysis functions for comparing means Explain the meaning of critical values generated by various data-analysis functions Demonstrate that the t-test for equality of parametric means under homoscedasticity produces exactly the same p(H0) as the one-way ANOVA Calculate the t-test statistic for equality of parametric means given only summary data instead of raw data Define the meaning of the three options for type in the Excel T.TEST function Edit Students can manually mark this item complete: LEARNING OBJECTIVES  Students must be able t... REVIEW Edit Students can manually mark this item complete: REVIEW  qm213_wk10_review_questions.pdf File Edit title Edit Students can manually mark this item complete: qm213_wk10_review_questions.pdf Hypothesis testing, part 2. HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENTS Edit Students can manually mark this item complete: HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENTS qm213_homework_wk10_part_1.xlsx File Edit title Edit Students can manually mark this item complete: qm213_homework_wk10_part_1.xlsx t-tests qm213_homework_wk10_part_2.xlsx File Edit title Edit Students can manually mark this item complete: qm213_homework_wk10_part_2.xlsx Choosing t-tests and ANOVA qm213_homework_wk10_part_3.xlsx File Edit title Edit Students can manually mark this item complete: qm213_homework_wk10_part_3.xlsx More ANOVA qm213_homework_wk10_part_4.xlsx File Edit title Edit Students can manually mark this item complete: qm213_homework_wk10_part_4.xlsx Paired t-tests qm213_homework_wk10_part_5_graded.xlsx File Edit title Edit Students can manually mark this item complete: qm213_homework_wk10_part_5_graded.xlsx HOMEWORK GRADING & UPLOADS Edit Students can manually mark this item complete: HOMEWORK GRADING & UPLOADS hg_wk10_p5_sheet-a Quiz Edit title Edit No groups (Click to change) Students can manually mark this item complete: hg_wk10_p5_sheet-a Homework-grading questions for week 10 sheet a exercises. 10 questions, 20 minutes, 1 try. If you find errors in your homework, fix them and then use the hg_wk##r quiz. Higher grade in the hg_wk##r quiz replaces lower grade in hg_wk## quiz. hg_wk10_p5_sheet-a_a Quiz Edit title Edit No groups (Click to change) Students can manually mark this item complete: hg_wk10_p5_sheet-a_a hg_wk10_p5_sheet-a_r Quiz Edit title Edit No groups (Click to change) Students can manually mark this item complete: hg_wk10_p5_sheet-a_r Replacement homework-grading questions for week 10 sheet a exercises. 10 questions, 10 minutes, 1 try. If you find errors in your homework using the hg_wk## quiz, fix them and then use the hg_wk##r quiz. Higher grade in the hg_wk##r quiz replaces lower grade in hg_wk## quiz. hg_wk10_p5_sheet-a_ra Quiz Edit title Edit No groups (Click to change) Students can manually mark this item complete: hg_wk10_p5_sheet-a_ra hg_wk10_p5_sheet-b Quiz Edit title Edit No groups (Click to change) Students can manually mark this item complete: hg_wk10_p5_sheet-b Homework-grading questions for week 10 sheet b exercises. 10 questions, 20 minutes, 1 try. If you find errors in your homework, fix them and then use the hg_wk##r quiz. Higher grade in the hg_wk##r quiz replaces lower grade in hg_wk## quiz. hg_wk10_p5_sheet-b_a Quiz Edit title Edit No groups (Click to change) Students can manually mark this item complete: hg_wk10_p5_sheet-b_a hg_wk10_p5_sheet-b_r Quiz Edit title Edit No groups (Click to change) Students can manually mark this item complete: hg_wk10_p5_sheet-b_r Replacement homework-grading questions for week 10 sheet b exercises. 10 questions, 10 minutes, 1 try. If you find errors in your homework using the hg_wk## quiz, fix them and then use the hg_wk##r quiz. Higher grade in the hg_wk##r quiz replaces lower grade in hg_wk## quiz. hg_wk10_p5_sheet-b_ra Quiz Edit title Edit No groups (Click to change) Students can manually mark this item complete: hg_wk10_p5_sheet-b_ra hg_wk10_p5_sheet-c Quiz Edit title Edit No groups (Click to change) Students can manually mark this item complete: hg_wk10_p5_sheet-c Homework-grading questions for week 10 exercises. 10 questions, 20 minutes, 1 try. If you find errors in your homework, fix them and then use the hg_wk##r quiz. Higher grade in the hg_wk##r quiz replaces lower grade in hg_wk## quiz. hg_wk10_p5_sheet-ca Quiz Edit title Edit No groups (Click to change) Students can manually mark this item complete: hg_wk10_p5_sheet-ca hg_wk10_p5_sheet-c_r Quiz Edit title Edit No groups (Click to change) Students can manually mark this item complete: hg_wk10_p5_sheet-c_r Replacement homework-grading questions for week 10 sheet c exercises. 10 questions, 10 minutes, 1 try. If you find errors in your homework using the hg_wk## quiz, fix them and then use the hg_wk##r quiz. Higher grade in the hg_wk##r quiz replaces lower grade in hg_wk## quiz. hg_wk10_p5_sheet-c_ra Quiz Edit title Edit No groups (Click to change) Students can manually mark this item complete: hg_wk10_p5_sheet-c_ra hu10 Assignment Edit title Edit No groups (Click to change) Students can manually mark this item complete: hu10 Upload the FIVE completed homework files here. Do NOT upload archive (ZIP, RAR, etc.) files because they force the prof to open them to extract the files. QUIZ Edit Students can manually mark this item complete: QUIZ q10 Quiz Edit title Edit No groups (Click to change) Students can manually mark this item complete: q10 10 questions, 20 minutes, 1 try. q10a Quiz Edit title Edit No groups (Click to change) Students can manually mark this item complete: q10a q10r Quiz Edit title Edit No groups (Click to change) Students can manually mark this item complete: q10r 15 questions, 15 minutes, 1 try. You must complete q10 before attempting q10r. Higher grade in q10r replaces lower grade in q10. q10ra Quiz Edit title Edit No groups (Click to change) Students can manually mark this item complete: q10ra