Standard Course Week 11 CORRELATIONS Analyzing Relations Among Variables, Part 2 Scatterplots The Pearson Product-Moment Correlation Coefficient, r Computing the Correlation Coefficient Using Excel Testing the Significance of the Correlation Coefficient THIS WEEK'S TEXTBOOK CHAPTER Edit Students can manually mark this item complete: THIS WEEK'S TEXTBOOK CHAPTER Statistics Text Chapter 9 -- Relationships among variables URL Edit title Edit Students can manually mark this item complete: Statistics Text Chapter 9 -- Relationships among variables LEARNING OBJECTIVES At a practical level, students should be able to Create scatterplots from two-factor data Interpret scatterplots in terms of relationships between the factors Interpret Pearson Product-Moment correlation coefficient, r Compute r using the Excel CORREL function Compute r using the Excel Data Analysis function CORRELATION Reformat and interpret the results of the Excel Data Analysis function CORRELATION Compute and interpret the t-test for the statistical significance of r. Edit Students can manually mark this item complete: LEARNING OBJECTIVES At a practical level, student... REVIEW Edit Students can manually mark this item complete: REVIEW  qm213_wk12_review_questions.pdf File Edit title Edit Students can manually mark this item complete: qm213_wk12_review_questions.pdf Preparation for your quiz this week. HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENTS Edit Students can manually mark this item complete: HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENTS  qm213_homework_wk12_part_1.xlsx File Edit title Edit Students can manually mark this item complete: qm213_homework_wk12_part_1.xlsx Correlation demo & simple exercises. qm213_homework_wk12_part_2.xlsx File Edit title Edit Students can manually mark this item complete: qm213_homework_wk12_part_2.xlsx Correlation is not causality & more correlation exercises. qm213_homework_wk12_part_3.xlsx File Edit title Edit Students can manually mark this item complete: qm213_homework_wk12_part_3.xlsx Using correlation analysis for multifactorial data as an exploration technique. qm213_homework_wk12_part_4.xlsx File Edit title Edit Students can manually mark this item complete: qm213_homework_wk12_part_4.xlsx One more exercise using correlation analysis for multifactorial data as an exploration technique. qm213_homework_wk12_part_5_graded.xlsx File Edit title Edit Students can manually mark this item complete: qm213_homework_wk12_part_5_graded.xlsx 3 problems. HOMEWORK GRADING & UPLOADS Edit Students can manually mark this item complete: HOMEWORK GRADING & UPLOADS hg_wk12_part-5_sheet-a Quiz Edit title Edit No groups (Click to change) Students can manually mark this item complete: hg_wk12_part-5_sheet-a Homework-grading questions for week 12 part 5 sheet a exercises. 5 questions, 10 minutes, 1 try. If you find errors in your homework, fix them and then use the hg_wk##r quiz. Higher grade in the hg_wk##r quiz replaces lower grade in hg_wk## quiz. hg_wk12_part-5_sheet-a_r Quiz Edit title Edit No groups (Click to change) Students can manually mark this item complete: hg_wk12_part-5_sheet-a_r Replacement homework-grading questions for week 12 part 5 sheet a exercises. 5 questions, 10 minutes, 1 try. If you find errors in your homework using the hg_wk## quiz, fix them and then use the hg_wk##r quiz. Higher grade in the hg_wk##r quiz replaces lower grade in hg_wk## quiz. hg_wk12_part-5_sheet-b Quiz Edit title Edit No groups (Click to change) Students can manually mark this item complete: hg_wk12_part-5_sheet-b Homework-grading questions for week 12 part 5 sheet b exercises. 5 questions, 10 minutes, 1 try. If you find errors in your homework, fix them and then use the hg_wk##r quiz. Higher grade in the hg_wk##r quiz replaces lower grade in hg_wk## quiz. hg_wk12_part-5_sheet-b_r Quiz Edit title Edit No groups (Click to change) Students can manually mark this item complete: hg_wk12_part-5_sheet-b_r Replacement homework-grading questions for week 12 part 5 sheet b exercises. 5 questions, 10 minutes, 1 try. If you find errors in your homework using the hg_wk## quiz, fix them and then use the hg_wk##r quiz. Higher grade in the hg_wk##r quiz replaces lower grade in hg_wk## quiz. hg_wk12_part-5_sheet-c Quiz Edit title Edit No groups (Click to change) Students can manually mark this item complete: hg_wk12_part-5_sheet-c Homework-grading questions for week 12 part 5 sheet c exercises. 10 questions, 20 minutes, 1 try. If you find errors in your homework, fix them and then use the hg_wk##r quiz. Higher grade in the hg_wk##r quiz replaces lower grade in hg_wk## quiz. hg_wk12_part-5_sheet-c_r Quiz Edit title Edit No groups (Click to change) Students can manually mark this item complete: hg_wk12_part-5_sheet-c_r Replacement homework-grading questions for week 12 part 5 sheet c exercises. 10 questions, 20 minutes, 1 try. If you find errors in your homework using the hg_wk## quiz, fix them and then use the hg_wk##r quiz. Higher grade in the hg_wk##r quiz replaces lower grade in hg_wk## quiz. hu12 Assignment Edit title Edit No groups (Click to change) Students can manually mark this item complete: hu12 qm213_wk12_upload_homework_files_1-5 Upload all five of your assigned homework files here. Do NOT upload archive (ZIP, RAR, etc.) files because they force the prof to open them to extract the files. qm213_homework_... wk12_part_1.xlsx wk12_part_2.xlsx wk12_part_3.xlsx wk12_part_4.xlsx wk12_part_5_graded.xlsx QUIZ Edit Students can manually mark this item complete: QUIZ  q12 Quiz Edit title Edit No groups (Click to change) Students can manually mark this item complete: q12 15 questions, 30 minutes, 1 try. q12a Quiz Edit title Edit No groups (Click to change) Students can manually mark this item complete: q12a q12r Quiz Edit title Edit No groups (Click to change) Students can manually mark this item complete: q12r 20 questions, 20 minutes, 1 try. You must complete q12 before attempting q12r. Higher grade in q12r replaces lower grade in q12. q12ra Quiz Edit title Edit No groups (Click to change) Students can manually mark this item complete: q12ra