CJ 341 (IA241 as of Fall 2015) Cyberlaw
& Cybercrime
Fall 2014 semesterThursdays 13:00:03-15:49:57 in Dole AuditoriumThe course includes extensive discussion of the legal constraints, both civil and criminal, that underlie legally acceptable behavior using computers and networks today. Prerequisites: IS120, IS130 or IS300 and CJ201 or permission of instructors. Offered in Fall semesters. Required for BSCSIA degree. |
COURSE MATERIALSCourse description -- detailed assignments, grading, standards, requirements, policies, rewards, penalties, and also the Secret of Life, the Universe and Everything.Syllabus/schedule -- PDF file with day-by-day listing of every required reading, quiz, exam, and deadline.Lecture files -- for study and review (PowerPoint PPTX and Acrobat PDF)CyberLaw I Web-Based Training -- from Defense Information Systems Agency. Download 58MB ZIP file. Install in a folder on your hard drive using the folder names in the ZIP file and then open index.html in the main directory.Burgunder Online Resources -- Case Law UpdatesGUIDANCE FOR TERM PROJECTTerm-Project Topic Ideas -- suggestions, just suggestionsTerm-Project Guidelines -- how to avoid falling into a swamp of miseryTerm-Paper OutlineTerm-Paper SamplePresentation Schedule -- TBAGUIDANCE FOR MEMO EXAMSMemo-Exam Sample written by Gregory Antonellis in 2013Memo-Exam Grading Rubric__________________________________________________________________GENERAL GUIDANCE FOR STUDENTSFor additional useful tips and tricks, click on the Methods link: seeComputer-Aided Thematic Analysis -- how to organize reference materialFrequently Corrected Errors -- checklist for avoid grammatical and usage errors in your technical writingOn Writing -- advice on style and methods in preparing term papers including notes on using referencesSQ3R
-- Survey/Question/Read/Recite/Review -- effective studying