IA 340 - Commentaries from your instructorsThese PPTX slide files & MP4 recordings contain commentaries from Prof Zeedick & Prof Kabay on specific topics identified by week. The files are larger than the 100 MB limit for posting via NUoodle, so they are being stored here for download as single files instead of having to break each lecture file into pieces smaller than 100 MB. BEFORE USING THESE MATERIALS FOR OTHER PURPOSES SUCH AS FOR COMMERCIAL COURES, SEE KABAY'S COPYRIGHT RESTRICTIONS. * * * DO NOT POST COPIES OF THIS MATERIAL ON A PUBLIC
WEB SITE.* * * |
(Links will be filled in week by week) 2020-08-31 Introductory Remarks -- Kabay2020-09-02 History & Mission of IA -- Zeedick2020-09-04 History of Computer Crime -- Kabay2020-09-09 Parkerian Hexad & Common Language -- Kabay & Zeedick2020-09-14 Hardware, DataComm & Crypto -- Zeedick & Kabay2020-09-23 INFOWAR -- Kabay (from IA455)2020-09-25 Penetrating Computer Systems & Networks -- Zeedick & Kabay2020-10-06 DoS, DDoS, Spam, Phishing, & Trojans -- Zeedick & Kabay