2020-06-23 A zero-day guide for 2020: Recent attacks and advanced preventive techniques ZERO-DAY EXPLOITS
2020-04-01 Ex-NSA hacker drops new zero-day doom for Zoom
2020-03-23 Hackers are attacking Windows users with a new unpatched bug
2020-03-23 New Windows vulnerability that’s being actively exploited
2020-01-20 Zero-Day Vulnerability CVE-2020-0674, Workaround Provided
2019-07-12 Confirmed: Microsoft Windows Zero-Day Exploit Used In Government Espionage Operation
2019-07-10 Windows zero‑day CVE‑2019‑1132 exploited in targeted attacks
2019-05-23 Researcher publishes Windows zero-days for the third day in a row
2019-05-14 Microsoft Patches Zero-Day Bug Under Active Attack
2019-03-13 CVE-2019-0797 vulnerability: new zero-day in the Windows OS exploited in targeted attacks
2018 A Short History of Zero-Day Vulnerability (COMODO)
2018 Attackers Pick Microsoft Office for Zero-Day Exploits
2018 Hacker Discloses Unpatched Windows Zero-Day Vulnerability (With PoC)
2018 PowerPool malware exploits ALPC LPE zero-day vulnerability
2018 Someone Dropped a Windows Zero-Day Exploit on GitHub
2018 Taking apart a double zero-day sample discovered in joint hunt with ESET
2018 Two Zero-Day Exploits Found After Someone Uploaded 'Unarmed' PoC to VirusTotal
2018 Zero-Day Flash Exploit Targeting Middle East
2017 Leaked NSA Malware Threatens Windows Users Around the World
2017 Microsoft Issues Patches for Another Four Zero-Day Vulnerabilities
2017 Microsoft patches Word zero-day booby-trap exploit
2017 Microsoft releases emergency patch for 'crazy bad' Windows zero-day bug
2017 New Windows SMB Zero-Day Leads to Denial of Service on Vulnerable Systems
2017 Recent Zero-Day Exploits - FireEye
2017 Shadowbrokers' Windows Zero-Days Already Patched
2017 Windows zero days squashed in May 2017 Patch Tuesday
2013 0-day, gh0stnet and the Adobe JBIG2Decode disclosure debacle (40:30)
2013 Anatomy of a Zero Day Attack – Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (45:31)