IS240 Database Management

Lecture Files including Homework.

Almost of these MS-PowerPoint notes are slight modifications of the original materials from Prof Jerry Post, author of the course textbooks. Dr Post maintains full copyright over these slides and graciously provides them for users of his textbooks. Prof Kabay has reformatted the appearance of the slides and introduced homework assignments and occasional commentary.

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Chapters with * have been updated; the main files include Prof Kabay's homework assignments.

PDF links are easily-printable versions of the PPTX (PowerPoint 2007) files.

You can download and run narrated PPTX files with sound enabled to hear Prof Kabay's typical Goofy-like, high-pitched, hyper-inflected speaking voice commenting on each slide.

*Introduction to the Course        PPTX        PDF

*Chapter 1: Introduction to DBMS        PPTX        PDF

*Chapter 2: Database Design        PPTX        PDF

*Chapter 2 Appendix: Working with DBDesign Tool        PPTX        PDF

*Chapter 3a: Data Normalization -- Part 1        PPTX        PDF

*Chapter 3b: Data Normalization -- Part 2        PPTX        PDF        Narrated PPTX (75 MB)

*Chapter 4a: Data Queries -- Part 1        PPTX        PDF         Narrated PPTX (26 MB)

*Chapter 4b: Data Queries -- Part 2        PPTX        PDF          Narrated PPTX (29 MB)

*Pointers on how to analyze and build SQL queries: Query Analysis        PPTX        PDF        Narrated PPTX (33 MB)

*Chapter 5: Advanced Queries and Subqueries        PPTX        PDF        Narrated PPTX (56 MB)

*Pointers on how to use stored subqueries for advanced SQL queries Advanced Query Analysis        PPTX        PDF

Chapter 6a: Forms, Reports, and Applications -- Part 1        PPTX        PDF        Narrated PPTX

Chapter 6b: Forms, Reports, and Applications -- Part 2        PPTX        PDF

Chapter 7a: Database Integrity and Transactions -- Part 1        PPTX        PDF

Chapter 7b: Database Integrity and Transactions -- Part 2        PPTX        PDF

Chapter 8: Application Development & Quality Assurance
[Note: This PPT file deviates significantly from Dr Post's text.]        PPTX        PDF

Chapter 9: Data Warehouses and Data Mining        PPTX        PDF

Database Administrator's Perspective -- Visiting Expert Dr Richard Huebner's Presentation        PPTX        Recording Part 1 (MP4 video)       Recording Part 2 (MP4 Video)



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The opinions expressed in any of the writings on this Web site represent the author’s opinions and do not necessarily represent the opinions or positions of his employers, associates, colleagues, students, relatives, friends, enemies, cats, dog or plants. Materials copyrighted by M. E. Kabay from this Website may be freely used for non-commercial teaching (i.e., specifically in any courses for academic credit or in free industry training at workshops or within organizations) but may not be re-posted on any Website or used in commercial training (where participants must pay fees for participation in the conference or workshop or where the instructor is paid) without express written permission. Any unauthorized sale of these copyrighted materials will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law.

Updated 2016-10-06