This section includes industry courses and course materials originally prepared for students at various colleges and universities.  Most lectures are available in PowerPoint files (older ones are PPT and newer are PPTX); some other documents such as syllabuses are usually available as PDF files. All students, teachers and others are welcome to use these course materials for free courses and lectures.

If you want to use this material in paid courses contact me by email
< > for permission to do so.


Course codes have been converted to current standards wherever possible; however, older syllabuses and course descriptions may still contains older course labels.


Community Courses

·         Safety Online (PDF)

·         Disinformation (PDF       PPTX)

·         Using E-mail Effectively (PDF       PPTX)

Industry Courses -- click link for course descriptions

The courses in this list were given in industry conferences, workshops, seminars and in-house training sessions. Quick links follow to lecture files:

·         Welcome to My Web Site: overview of sections     PPT (narrated)     PDF (no narration)

·         Assessing and Auditing Internet Usage Policies     PPT      PDF

·         Bugs, Flaws and Features     PDF

·         Basic Medical INFOSEC     PPTX

·         COMPUTER CRIME REVIEW 2000    HTML     PDF 

·         INFOSEC UPDATE    PDF   -- March 2001

·         INFOSEC UPDATE    PDF -- March 2002

·         INFOSEC UPDATE    PDF -- January 2006


·         Art of Technical Support

·         Business & Economic Statistics I

·         Computer Security Handbook slides

·         Contemporary Issues in Information Assurance

·         Cyberlaw & Cybercrime

·         Database Management Systems

·         Data Communications

·         Foundations of Computer Science & Security

·         Introduction to Information Assurance

·         Information Warfare

·         Management of Information Assurance

·         Personal Cyber Safety

·         Politics of Cyberspace

·         Quality Assurance in IT

·         Software Engineering


  MSIA Topics -- use index page to select type of download for some of the narrated lectures from theNorwich University Master of Science in Information Assurance (MSIA) courses. I was the creator of the MSIA and its Director from 2001 through 2009.


  • Introduction to Database Management System Administration & Security
  • Management Skills
  • Leadership Skills
  • Introduction to Cyberlaw & Jurisdiction
  • Introduction to Intellectual Property Law
  • Introduction to Cryptology
  • Physical & Facilities Security
  • Identification & Authentication
  • Applied Ethics
  • Managing Employment, Hiring & Firing
  • E-mail & Internet Use Policies
  • Auditing Information Security
  • Working with Vendors
  • Solving Problems


Copyright © 2024 M. E. Kabay.  All rights reserved.

The opinions expressed in any of the writings on this Web site represent the author�s opinions and do not necessarily represent the opinions or positions of his employers, associates, colleagues, students, relatives, friends, enemies, cats, dog or plants. Materials copyrighted by M. E. Kabay from this Website may be freely used for non-commercial teaching (i.e., specifically in any courses for academic credit or in free industry training at workshops or within organizations) but may not be re-posted on any Website or used in commercial training (where participants must pay fees for participation in the conference or workshop or where the instructor is paid) without express written permission. Any unauthorized sale of these copyrighted materials will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law.

Updated 2023-11-30